Thursday, April 5, 2007

Road Rules

Well, Obi and I have returned from Bishop. This trip was just a few days, driving up on Thursday night, returning Saturday afternoon/evening. However, in this short amount of time, a lot can happen. This truly was a road trip. First of all, on the drive up, we passed a number of interesting things. Note, I did not say vehicles. As we are discussing what we would like to climb, what to do we pass on the freeway? A climbing wall. That's right, there's a climbing wall going down the road. This is one of those pre-fab deals you see at the carnival, but unusual none the less. We debated momentarily if we should pull up beside it and hop on. The whole climbing trip could have ended right there. We had found a climb. It was over. We continued on, deciding this was just too funny. Next, what do we pass but the Road Rules RV. It was all lit up inside with people sitting around talking in much the same way you would imagine on TV. We might be in the background of a Road Rules shot. Cool. Third, we were passed by a water tank. Now, this is no small affair. We were on a two lane highway (as in the whole thing consisted of two lanes). We see a police officer approaching with full lights and sirens. We think, maybe he's pulling over a speeder. No... instead, he is the leader of an escort, involving several police leading a giant water storage tank down the road. This thing is at least 12 feet wide, maybe more like 15. So it takes up more than three quarters of the road. An odd thing to be taking down the highway in the middle of the night, and certainly unexpected. We arrived in Bishop around midnight, and drove to "The Pit", a local camping area for climbers near the Happys, our target for the following morning. After throwing a few things out of the car, we settled on the mondo and were off to dreamland surrounded by stars.

This is getting long for tonight... I'm tired, thinking about all of those stars... plus I just ate in Hillcrest after kidnapping a large wardrobe and loading it in Obi's car. So this story will continue tomorrow, with harrowing tales of climbs and.. well, I can't think of anything else harrowing right now... maybe bears or something, but there weren't any of those around, so we'll just stick with climbing.

1 comment:

Obi said...

Remember, rule #1 of a road trip is you've got to see something odd and intriguing...

Too bad I still think the Big Mac (as in a mac truck) on a stick takes the cake...

Fun weekend regardless!