Wednesday, March 28, 2007

gummi blue sharks

Why am I so fascinated with gummi sea creatures? Gummi octopi, gummi sharks, gummi fish... the octopi are really great. You can rip each leg off individually and eat it like it was a gummi worm. So it's like 8 gummi worms strapped to a gummi bear. Scary...

I'm going to go climb at Bishop this weekend. I'm so excited. I have never been climbing there. Right now, it's just me and Obi. It should be a lot of fun. I hope I stay motivated. These climbs are HIGH!!! Check back with me on Monday to make sure I'm still in one piece.

My new roomie is moving in this week. I'm not that excited about it. I want to live on my own honestly. I'm so sick of having to live with somebody I don't really want to live with. Bleh. But, she's better than the previous one... so I'm at least moving in the right direction. It's not like she's that bad... I just don't know how I'm gonna like it... Oh well, new stuff... just have to try it and see how it goes.

I'm gonna eat another shark now...

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