Wednesday, May 30, 2007

my alien is looking at my pinata funny...

Well... we've survived the road trip. And, truth be told, it was actually a lot of fun. I've always had road trips go strangely wrong. Either money has been stolen or drivers have not driven. This time, no money went strangely missing (although, I did mysteriously end up with a plushy green alien), and driving was done by all (although Obi drove all the way back from NM on the last day because I had the cat in my lap. Wow.) Instead of listing the entire trip, I figure I'll record a few highlights.

-- There was a cross that was shaped like a robot.
-- Obi called the town Deming "Denny's". Perhaps he was hungry at the time...
-- I had a conversation with my sleeping pad that went something like this:
Sleeping pad: Screw you, I'm going down by your feet
Me: Bitch, get up here. You're a three-quarter length!
-- Obi tripped after I told him to jump off a sand dune more enthusiastically than he did the first time. His leg has a great scrape on it now.
-- Obi did not die being in close proximity to a cat for 12 hours straight.
-- I learned the alien conspiracy
-- Helped my good friend Amanda prepare some things for her good friend's memorial.
-- Visited White Sands National Monument. This contains the best sign in a national monument: Please watch for the following unexploded ordinance: this is where pictures of the different varieties are.
-- Showed Obi around Carlsbad Caverns while trying to avoid being pooped on by small birds on the way in.
-- Received 8 mosquito bites on the lower part of my back because it was not covered by my jacket while setting up the tent near Roswell. This was after the nearly hour long search to find the state park and driving down a random road in New Mexico between farms to find the park (we were greatful to find it).
-- Climbed with Obi in Box Canyon on Highway 60 near Socorro. It was lots of fun and he determined why I don't like smearing.
-- I purchased a 2.5 foot tall pinata. It's cool. Llama shaped. I love it more than can be explained. Obi kissed it... I think even its rear end...

I think that covers the highlights... If I think of more, I will post it! It left me with a smile.


Alaska Robb said...

my thought process must be influenced by certain hobbies. Must have taken me 2 full minutes of focus to figure out how a "green alien" could be "cushy"...

Obi said...

I think the green alien is plushy.

And yes, I did kiss the pinata in the butt. Poor pinata - it had its kneecaps beaten off, hung with a noose and was spilling its candy out all over the beach like a seppuku gone wrong (or right I suppose...). I'll miss the little bugger.